Class Information
This class is open to the public.
Alphabet Soup of Preemie Problems: RDS, PDA, IVH, NEC, ROP & Developmental Care
Upon completion of this program the participant will be able to:
- Summarize nursing management to prevent IVH
- Define respiratory implications prematurity presents with
- Explore the differences in the physiology of the patent ductus arteriosus in term and preterm infants
- Discuss models of pathogenesis and preventative strategies for Necrotizing Enterocolitis
- Identify ways to provide developmentally appropriate care to the premature infant
St. Joseph’s Staff: no charge
Outreach Affiliates: $45
General Registration: $85
Participants will receive: continental breakfast, lunch, electronic handout, and continuing education contact hours
Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider number CEP 12981, for 8 contact hours