High Risk Neonatal Nursing Care

Class Information

This class is open to the public. 

  • Sepsis and Neonatal Lab Work Interpretation
      Tanya Kamka MSN, RNC-NIC
  •  Skills Lab for Neonatal Procedures
      Tanya Kamka MSN, RNC-NIC & Samantha Wynn, BSN
  • Recognition of the Compromised Newborn
      Samantha Wynn, BSN

Upon completion of this program the participant will be able to:

  •  Identify risk factors for early-onset neonatal sepsis
  • Discuss the management of the neonatal with risk for early-onset neonatal sepsis
  • Perform hands on skills to practice and use equipment for high-risk, low volume procedures
  • Recognize early signs of neonatal distress and discuss interventions for compromised newborns

Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital staff: No charge
Outreach Affiliates: $25.00
General Registration: $45.00

Location: Solarium Conference Room in Building 40, 5th floor at Zuckerberg San
Francisco General Hospital - 1001 Potrero Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94110

Participants will receive: electronic handouts and continuing education contact hours

