High Risk Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing Care

Class Information

Caring for the Extremely Low Birth Weight (ELBW) Baby
Speaker: Tanya Kamka RNC-NIC, MSN

Upon completion of this presentation the participant will be able to:

  • Describe two evidence-based practices that your Perinatal/Neonatal areas provide to women in preterm labor and/or ELBW infants; and two that you could provide
  • Define the significance of the golden hour and delivery room interventions
  • Understand the unique physiologic needs of the preterm ELBW infant and measures to promote optimal outcomes and reduce morbidities
  • List three neuroprotective practices that you or your NICU can implement in the care you provide to ELBW infants

Neonatal Transport
Speaker: Carla Medina RNC-NIC, BSN

Upon completion of this presentation the participant will be able to:

  • Understand steps necessary in the stabilization of the critically ill neonate
  • Describe the personnel, special equipment, and support needed to prepare for the transport of a neonate with select diagnoses
  • Collaborate, communicate effectively, execute care, utilize time and resources to contribute to best outcomes during neonatal transport handoff

