Revealing Radiology: Understanding X-rays in the NICU and Congenital Anomalies: What to know & What to do via zoom

Please do not submit payment without first registering for the class.

Class Information

  • Explore radiology tests for ICN patients
  • Identify correct placement of lines and tubes
  • Identify infants at risk for congenital anomalies
  • Describe the assessment and stabilization of the infant with a congenital heart, neural tube & abdominal wall defects


Zoom login:

Join from a PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android device by clicking on this link:
Meeting ID: 978 9291 8586 and Password: 751759
Telephone: +1 669 900 6833, +1 213 338 8477, or +1 669 219 2599
Password: 751759



Natividad Medical Center Staff: No Charge
UCSF Outreach Affiliates: $25.00
General Registration: $45.00


Step 1) Please register for this class using the "Register for this Event" button below.

Step 2) If you need to pay follow this link to pay securely online using Google Chrome: 



Payment Due: Saturday, March 25, 2023