Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing Care

Class Information

  •  Diabetes in Pregnancy- Molly Killion RNC-OB, MS, CNS-BC
  • Infant of the Diabetic Mother- Tany Hatfield RNC-NIC, MSN
  • Understanding and Caring for the Obese Woman in Childbirth-Valerie Huwe RNC-OB, MS, CNS

At the conclusion of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Differentiate between different types of diabetes mellitus and their respective risk factors for the fetus, neonate, and the mother
  • Identify potential fetal complications from maternal hyperglycemia
  • Discuss impact of obesity on maternal health complications and associated neonatal risks


Class Fees:
Natividad Staff: No charge

CHOMP Staff: $25.00

UCSF Outreach affiliates: $45.00

General registration: $85.00


Please register for this class FIRST, using the "Register for this Event" button below. THEN, if you need to pay, follow this link to pay securely online at:

