Class Information
Target Audience:
Anyone who may care for a compromised newborn including RNs, MDs, CNMs, RTs, Pharmacists and Ancillary Staff
Program Description:
This session focuses on emergency skills for the sick neonate including:
- Care and Stabilization of the Very Low Birth Weight Baby (VLBW)
- Respiratory Care (PPV, Intubation and Pneumothorax Care)
- Vascular access (IV’s, Umbilical Lines, I/O insertion)
- Preparation and Use of Emergency Drugs (Epinephrine, PGE, Dopamine)
- Identification and Care of the Infant with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)
Upon completion of this program the participant will be able to:
- Identify the unique needs of the very low birth weight Infant
- Specify the ideal type of vascular access for the sick neonate using case studies
- Describe strategies to optimize team performance and communication
- Practice high risk, low volume skills in a supportive environment
Elizabeth Rex, RN, MS, NNP, and Cynthia Jensen RN, MS, CNS