Class Information
This class is open to the public.
Skin and Wound Care For Neonates
Tanya Kamka MSN, RNC-NIC
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: Utilizing Best Practice for Better Outcomes
Tanya Kamka MSN, RNC-NIC
Developmental care of the Long-Term NICU patient
Erin Cambra MA, CCLS, CIMI
Upon completion of this program the participant will be able to:
- Identify preventative measures to avoid skin breakdown, including ostomy and gastrostomy care
- Discuss common misconceptions about use of the Modified Finnegan Scoring Tool for NAS and ways to improve inter-rater reliability
- Identify developmentally supportive considerations you can implement during invasive or distressing procedures, and interventions for long-term NICU patients
CRMC staff: no charge, CCMC staff: $25
Outreach Affiliates: $25
General Registration: $45
Participants will receive: continental breakfast, lunch, electronic handouts, and 6 continuing education contact hours
Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider number CEP 12981, for 6 contact hours