Fundamental Critical Care Support: Obstetrics via Zoom

Class Information

*Note: The class will be held virtually for all attendees due to the ongoing COVID restrictions. At this time we are only providing an e-book. 
CEU certificates are only given on the 2nd day of conference and you must be logged in to obtain.




  • Prioritize assessment needs for the critically ill pregnant patient
  • Explain physiologic changes during pregnancy
  • Describe specific maternal obstetric and medical conditions and appropriate treatment
  • Describe optimal maternal CPR and airway management in the care of the critically ill pregnant patient
  • Describe appropriate steps for fetal assessment, delivery, and neonatal management
  • Determine the need for expert consultation and/or patient transfer and prepare the practitioner for optimally accomplishing pregnant patient transfer


REGISTRATION  is now closed. 

Registration is not confirmed until payment is received for this class. Payment will be based on credentials. We are only offering an E-book at this time. 


Fee for BOTH days (You only need to pay ONCE):

$425.00 (for Providers)
$225.00 (for RN and Advanced Health Practitioners)
$165.00 (for Residents and Fellows)


This is a 2 step process:

1) Please register for this class FIRST, using the "Register for this Event" button below.

2) To PAY securely online please use Google Chrome and click on the secured link: deactivated. 



Payment Due: Friday, August 27, 2021