Diabetes in Pregnancy, Labor, and the Immediate postpartum period & Infant of the Mother with Diabetes & Hypoglycemia in the Neonate class via zoom

Class Information

  • Review the types of diabetes and the effects of pregnancy on each
  • Discuss intrapartum glycemic management techniques and targets prior to birth
  • Identify potential neonatal complications related to maternal hyperglycemia
  • Describe interventions for the hypoglycemic infant


Zoom login:

Join from a PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android device by clicking on this linkhttps://ucsf.zoom.us/j/95624619971?pwd=SXdpc3lYemFLWlBzV3lIZEFkckN3dz09
Meeting ID: : 956 2461 9971  and Password: 695782
Telephone: +1 213 338 8477, +1 669 219 2599, +1 669 900 6833
Password: 695782



Petaluma Valley Hospital & Providence Santa Rosa Memorial Staff: No Charge
UCSF Outreach Affiliates: $25.00
General Registration: $45.00


Step 1) Please register for this class using the "Register for this Event" button below.

Step 2) If you need to pay follow this link to pay securely online using Google Chrome: https://secure.touchnet.net/C20191_ustores/web/product_detail.jsp?PRODUC... .



Payment Due: Tuesday, September 27, 2022